Verzeihen sie mir, wenn Ich auf English schreibe. I möchte aber das folgende teilen…
The Herald Tribune of 9.2.2006 tells us that a growing chorus of world leaders tries…
Verzeihen sie mir, wenn Ich auf English schreibe. I möchte aber das folgende teilen…
The Herald Tribune of 9.2.2006 tells us that a growing chorus of world leaders tries…
It is the children, stupid. Adam Smith could have put a footnote in his book but he probably assumed that we had figured out that much.
We should have…
“How does it feel?
Ah how does it feel?
To be on your own,
With no direction home,
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling…
There is something in life like the fight of Good and Evil. And it is tiring because it has been going on for millennia and evil is doing pretty well….
Jim: We perceive the world through our senses, we are emotionally vulnerable and we steer ourselves through our thinking process, trying to figure things out. We are operating on all…
ARDANARISHWARA! Lord Shiva, is Ardanarishwara, that is, His other half is Parvati. Shiva is the male principle, Parvati the female principle. And thus, when a Westerner moves out of the…
Les rues autour de la vieille capitainerie générale suintent de mélancolie malgré la musique enjouée qui s’enfuit des restaurants à touristes. Le long de la jetée, une jeunesse au chômage…
Adolf, this inventive corporal from Bohemia, wanted to claim the third age for himself, like the Marxists who saw themselves in power after the rule of the feudal and the…
Baffled television audiences in the west scramble to come to terms with the notion of Jihad. It is hard to come to grip with the notion of British born Muslims…
In several Sahasrar Namah (praises of the deities in Sanskrit), a specific quality seems assigned to a given deity, although these distinctions seem to be blurred when the same specific…