Righteousness (Dharma) And Sin (The Six Enemies)
It is all about whether you are willing to sell your soul for an outcome
Georges Clooney
Bullies always comes back so why not…
It is all about whether you are willing to sell your soul for an outcome
Georges Clooney
Bullies always comes back so why not…
Human reason has this peculiar fate that in one species of its knowledge it is burden by questions which, as prescribed by the very nature of reason itself, it is…
Even the highest towers begin from the ground
Chinese saying
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far…
“And I beheld shaped like a river, light
Streaming a splendour between banks whereon
The miracle of the spring was pictured bright.
Out of…
Le soi est une réalité constamment présente mais l’ignorance le transforme en but a atteindre. Quand l’ignorance est détruite, le soi apparaît comme n’ayant jamais été absent, tel le collier…
Experience is a good school, but the fees are high
Heinrich Heine
Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do…
God gives the nuts but he does not crack them
German proverb
What we play is life
Louis Armstrong…
Darkness was hidden in darkness; The all was fluid and formless. Therein, in the void, by the fore of fervour arose the ONE. And in the ONE arose love. Love…
The principle of development involves also the existence of a latent germ of being – a capacity or potentiality striving to realize itself. This formal conception finds actual existence in…
I’M FREE- I’m free,
And freedom tastes of reality,
I’m free-I’m free,
An’ I’m waiting for you to follow me.
If I told you what…