80. Also revealed was the sacred breath that renews all things

81. And how it sprinkles with the dew of the Grace the tongues of fire on the heads of the twice born, and so the mystery carried by the angels was also solved.

82. Baereli, having learnt all these happy tidings, got quite excited and, wanting to share the news, he crossed the sea to the island of many silences.

83. He reached the slippery shores of the land of bounty called America,

84. Where earth opens in a festival of unique grandeur and he prayed her to help at the moment of the great harvest.

85. Baereli took all his courage in his hands and invited the High Lady to his own land of mountains and lakes,

86. Secretly hoping that her welcome to the kingdom of the western mountains would bring a renewed sense of auspiciousness and generosity.

87. Let my folks again be satisfied with the humble and yet magnificent gifts from Mother Earth, he thought in his simple mind.

88. Let her, the Shakambari, settle that soothing sense of fulfillment and satisfaction within us.

89. It was on the shores of the Black Lake that they performed the rite of celebration of the Great Play, a play at which he was a slow learner.