This image represents Ysaprem of Anorhad, who left the Rock in the last days of Dagad Trikon, to deliver the Casket of the Cross in an…
In the Cave of Wonders of Dagad Trikon, there was a pond said to distill the elixir of bliss. At the time of the Pujan festivals,…
After the fall of the Rock, the Elnorian sailors of Dagad Trikon took the Thalassean fleet to sail across the world. Among other destinations, they reached…
Although centered on the desert Rock of Dagad Trikon, the Avasthas had spread networks, outposts and colonies around the world and kept in touch through the…
click on the numbers of the locations on the map :
The Atatitlan haven on the shores of the Thalassean sea
Dear readers,
Thank you ever so much to all those who told us how much they enjoyed reading the Legend,…
The assault of the emissary of Thanatophor had been repelled but at what price since the survival of the…